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Women in denim jackets pictured from shoulders-down, standing with arms interlocked

Claire's Community for Practitioners

The course will equip you to better understand relationship violence, spot the red flags of unhealthy relationships, and help people you work with avoid unhealthy relationships and safely navigate out of relationships that are dangerous.

Who this program is for

Any adult who wants a deep dive into relationship violence, especially those who work with youth, including social workers, health care providers, educators, and more.



In-person or live, virtual format. The course includes a workbook and resource manual.


Full day


Free for individuals, fee structure available for organizations and businesses

Course Description

The course will equip you to better understand relationship violence, spot the red flags of unhealthy relationships, and help people you work with avoid unhealthy relationships and safely navigate out of relationships that are dangerous. 


You will learn about healthy relationships – things like consent, boundaries, and safe spaces – and discover how your own life experiences impact your role in supporting those experiencing relationship violence.


You will leave with the skills and confidence you need to cultivate a trusting relationship with others, help them navigate the challenging waters of relationships, and intervene — if necessary — to help them stay safe. 


The program was created through a collaboration among Willow Domestic Violence Center, the Family Peace Initiative, and #BeMoreLikeClaire.

Group classes are available with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 20 participants for the Claire's Community for Practitioners session.  

Contact us to learn more about scheduling your own Claire's Community for Practitioners event

Claire’s Community is excited to partner with you in offering a practitioner's session for your group. Please tell us a bit about your group. We’ll be back in touch with you soon to talk about the next steps.

Thanks for submitting!

What participants are saying about Claire’s Community for Practitioners

We enjoyed real interaction that included both laughter and tears. The instructional style was intentionally very conversational and natural. Our group learned new information about types of abusers and why they abuse others, and we also learned how to recognize red flags for interpersonal violence.

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