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Three women looking at pages, smiling, discussing violence prevention curriculum

Be part of
Claire’s Community

There are lots of ways to engage

Claire’s Community offers a variety of opportunities for individuals and groups to help prevent relationship violence in our community, including classes, events, and educational presentations. 


Our current programs are below. We will be adding new opportunities, so be sure to join our mailing list to stay updated!

Our Programs

New Programs!

Claire's Community class attendees clapping and smiling at a facilitator.

Community Connections Presentations

We would love to speak to your group about relationship violence prevention. We can customize this opportunity to meet the needs of your organization.

“Programs that seek to engage influential adults and peers in promoting positive relationship expectations and condemning violent and unhealthy relationship behaviors among adolescents and young adults are critical to the prevention of IPV.”

Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan, the Center for Disease Control

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