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An adult and youth talking and smiling.

Askable Adult Campaign

Think of a time when you felt listened to. When someone allowed you space to wonder and figure things out and offered support when you needed it. Think of a person who accepts you for who you are without judgment. For children and youth, when these core elements are embedded in consistent connections with caring adults, it really makes a difference.

Who this program is for

Adults who want to build the skills necessary to be an informed, approachable adult for young people.


Interactive group presentation with a qualified and certified trainer


2-3 hours


Free for individuals, fee structure availabile for organizations and businesses

Course Description

The single most common factor for children who develop resilience to stress and adversity is having at least one stable relationship with a supportive parent, caregiver, or another adult (Harvard Center for the Developing Child). This is especially critical for young people working to develop a positive sense of self in a culture that often devalues them based on their identity, ability, background, or status.


Participants will build the skills necessary to be an informed, approachable adult to whom young people can turn for help in navigating stress and challenges on a day-to-day basis. 


This program was developed by the Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence 

Group sessions are available with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 20 participants.  For more information, please contact

Contact us to learn more about scheduling your own Askable Adult event

Claire’s Community is excited to partner with you in offering an Askable Adult Training Session for your group. Please tell us a bit about your group. We’ll be back in touch with you soon to talk about the next steps.

Thanks for submitting!

What participants are saying about Askable Adult Campaign Trainings

I have learned the importance and value of silence in a conversation. I want to have more meaningful conversations with the youth in my life, and that begins with giving them the space to respond, not answering questions for them, and not rushing them to reply if they are quiet...

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